2023-24 Budget
The budget totals $34,372,292 and carries a projected tax levy increase of 1.98 percent, which is under the District’s 3.52 percent limit set by New York State’s property tax cap. This represents the largest difference between what the tax cap allows and what the actual tax levy increase is since the tax cap became law. Spending is up a total of $754,191, a 2.24 percent increase from the 2022-23 budget.
Budget highlights include no program cuts or layoffs and the addition of a full-time speech pathologist position at Mary E. Dardess Elementary School, the addition of a k-5 literacy coach position, increased support for academic intervention services at Chatham Middle School, increased cross-curricular literacy learning in 8th grade, and the addition of American History Through Film & Music, Music Technology & Production, and Studio in Media Arts classes at Chatham High School. Budget reductions include the elimination of a kindergarten teaching position (due to decreased enrollment) and the elimination of a vendor contract that provided part-time speech pathologist service
Included in the budget is the purchase of one 35-passenger gas school bus and one 66-passenger gas school bus, which will replace two 13-year-old 66-passenger buses with mechanical issues as part of the District’s ongoing bus replacement plan. For every dollar spent on bus purchases, the District receives approximately $0.31 (31 percent) back in aid from New York State.
Also built into the budget is a small capital project to improve the ceiling and audio-visual instructional technology in the high school auditorium. As a capital project, the work is eligible to receive 50 percent back in state aid.
Budget Documents
Property Tax Cap Information
Contrary to popular belief, the NYS property tax cap does not cap tax increases at 2%. Instead, schools must use a state formula each year to determine how much they can increase their tax levies by without having to seek a higher percentage of voter approval for the budget. This threshold may be different each year and must be determined by the District and submitted to the state by March 1st.
For 2023, Chatham's allowable tax levy increase was 3.52%
If the year-to-year increase of the District’s tax levy (portion of the school budget funded by property tax) is at or below the number determined by the cap, a simple majority (50% + 1) of voter approval is needed to pass the budget. If the budget proposal carries a tax levy increase above the cap, a super majority (60%) of voter approval is needed for the budget to pass. More information on the NYS Property Tax Cap is available on the NY State Education Department Website.
May 16, 2023 Voting Results
Chatham Central School District 2023-24 Budget: PASSED 321 yes – 116 no
Proposition #2 - Student Representative on the Board of Education: PASSED 378 yes – 57 n
Capital Project - CHS Auditorium Upgrades
Included in the 2023-24 budget is a small capital project to refinish the ceiling with applied acoustical finishes and provide improved audio-video instructional technology in the Chatham High School auditorium.
The project would not exceed $100,000 and does not increase the 2023-24 budget because money for small annual capital projects like this one was built into the budget in previous years. Completing these upgrades as a capital project provides significant savings to local taxpayers because Chatham CSD is entitled to approximately 50 percent state aid on capital projects, meaning the District would be reimbursed for approximately half of the cost of this project.
Advancing Our Educational Programs
Chatham CSD is continually evaluating and updating our programs. Below are some examples of recent initiatives designed to keep our schools moving forward.
Universal Prekindergarten - Starting in 2023, Chatham CSD will expand our existing targeted pre-k program to a universal pre-k program, making all resident children eligible. The District has applied for federal funding through the NYS Education Department that will largely cover the cost of the expanded program.
Literacy - The 2023-24 budget includes the addition of a K-5 literacy coach position to support the full implementation of science-based reading instruction at MED Elementary School, which focuses on how children acquire, develop, and express language. In 8th grade, extra emphasis will be placed on cross-curricular literacy learning in all subject areas.
Increased Academic Support - At CMS, existing resources will be aligned to strengthen academic intervention services for students who are struggling academically.
Speech Services - The 2023-24 budget eliminates a vendor contract for part-time speech pathologist services at MED Elementary School that was unable to meet our needs and replaces it with a full-time speech pathologist on staff. This will allow more consistent services for our students, as well as increase our capacity to provide speech services for our new universal pre-k program through a partnership with Columbia County.
New Electives - The addition of American History Through Film & Music, Music Technology & Production, and Studio in Media Arts classes at CHS will give our students an ever-expanding variety of fresh, engaging, and relevant electives to choose from.
Budget Information from Previous Years
2022-2023 Budget Information
2021-2022 Budget Information
2020-2021 Budget Information
2019-2020 Budget Information
2018-2019 Budget Information
2017-2018 Budget Information
2016-2017 Budget Information
2015-2016 Budget Information
2014-2015 Budget Information
2013-2014 Budget Information
2012-2013 Budget Information
2011-2012 Budget Information
2010-2011 Budget Information
2009-2010 Budget Information