2019-2020 Budget Information
Chatham Central School District’s 2019-20 budget totals $31,583,390 and carried a projected tax levy increase of 1.24 percent, which stayed at the limit set by New York State’s property tax cap. Spending is down $352,915, a 1.11 percent decrease from the 2018-19 budget.
2019-20 Budget Documents
Budget Development Presentations
Property Tax Cap Information
Chatham’s tax cap for 2019 was 1.24%.
Proposition II: Student Representative
Proposition II on the May 21, 2019 ballot authorized a student representative to serve on the Chatham Central School District Board of Education as a non-voting member. A student representative currently serves on the Board, however, pursuant to law, this proposition must be put before voters every two years.
May 21, 2019 Voting Results
On May 21, 2019, Chatham Central School District voters approved the 2019-20 school budget, approved a proposition to allow a student to serve on the Board of Education as a non-voting member, and elected Muriel Faxon, Craig Simmons, Meghan Charron, Graham Button, and Matthew Fisch to the Board of Education.
Proposition #1 2019-20 School Budget: Passed 393 yes – 99 no
Proposition #2 Student Representative on the Board of Education: Passed 443 yes – 47 no
Elected to the Board of Education:
Muriel Faxon – 377 (3-year term)
Craig Simmons – 362 (3-year term)
Meghan Charron – 336 (3-year term)
Graham Button – 321 (2-year term)
Matthew Fisch – 304 (1-year term).