2023 Capital Improvement Project
February 14, 2023 Voting Results:
Proposition #1: $18,218,595 for Capital Improvements at CCSD - PASSED 419 yes to 181 No.
Proposition #2: $3,879,600 for Air Conditioning/HVAC at MED - PASSED 403 Yes to 193 No.
Chatham Central School District is undertaking this project to improve our educational facilities and address issues with our aging infrastructure. Just like any property, schools need regular upkeep and infrastructure upgrades if they are to continue to serve the needs of our students and community effectively. The District’s buildings range in age from approximately 50 to 118 years old.
As a capital project, this work is eligible for 49.6% state aid. This significantly reduces the project’s impact on local property taxes. For every dollar the District spends it will get approximately 50 cents back in state building aid.
The 2023 Capital Improvement Project includes two propositions that appeared on the February 14 ballot.
Proposition # 1
Prop #1 is a $18,218,595 project to shore up aging infrastructure, improve classroom and community spaces, and address safety, security, and health concerns. The work will take place at Chatham High School, Chatham Middle School, Mary E. Dardess Elementary School, and the Bus Garage (see Proposition #1 scope of work below).
The District will apply $8,434,944 in capital reserves (which voters approved the creation of in previous years) and issue bonds to pay for the remainder of the costs.
Tax Impact
Prop #1 will require an estimated property tax increase of $7.79 per $100,000 of assessed property value.
For example, a home valued at $300,000 will see property taxes increase by approximately $23.37.
Proposition #1 is a stand-alone project that does not require the passage of Proposition #2.
Proposition #2
Prop #2 authorized the District to install a building-wide air conditioning/HVAC system at Mary E. Dardess Elementary School at a cost not to exceed $3,879,600.
The project includes removing the existing unit ventilators and replacing them with new rooftop air handling systems. The rooftop units will have high-efficiency air conditioning and heating components, heat recovery systems, and MERV-13 high-efficiency filters to improve indoor air quality year round. This will not only address increasingly frequent heat and humidity issues that distract from learning, but also improve air filtration and circulation, functions that have become increasingly important due to respiratory viruses such as COVID-19.
Tax Impact
Prop #2 will require an additional tax increase (separate from Prop #1) estimated to be $9.36* per $100,000 of assessed property value.
For example, a home valued at $300,000 will see property taxes increase by approximately or $28.08 for a home valued at $300,000.
* Combined Tax Impact Prop #1 & #2 = $17.15 per $100,000 of assessed property value
Propositon #1 Scope of Work
Chatham High School
Base Scope
Replace entire building’s roof
Replace gymnasium floor
Replace gymnasium bleachers
Replace gymnasium HVAC
Renovate toilet rooms (excluding auditorium toilets)
Modernize Science Classrooms (4)
Relocate and upgrade Art Classrooms (2)
Replace auditorium flooring (epoxy and carpet)
Replace auditorium seating
Replace classroom partition walls with permanent, secure, fire-rated walls
Renovate band and choir rooms
Exterior masonry repairs: replace stucco panels with metal panels
Paint exterior metal doors
Upgrade entrance lobby
Redesign main building entrance with canopy
Upgrade technology room/relocate tech computer lab adjacent to technology room
Convert old tech computer lab to classroom
Replace whole-building generator
Repair curbing
Install branding signage at rear of school on exterior gym wall
Mill & repave parking lot
Alternate Scope*
Convert unused toilets to permanent storage
Install library doors to courtyard; convert courtyard to outdoor reading/classroom area
Improve parent/bus drop-off area and entrance path
Chatham Middle School
Base Scope
Replace masonry window lintels
Alternate Scope*
Install whole-building backup generator
Construct outdoor classroom pavilion
Mary E. Dardess Elementary School
Base Scope
Abatement of flooring with flooring replacement
Paint gymnasium
Repair and paint exterior stucco on full perimeter of building
Repoint masonry at gymnasium
Replace chain link fence between MED & CHS
Repair curbing
Repair sidewalk
Alternate Scope*
Refinish gymnasium floor
Bus Garage
Base Scope
Renovate office, break room and toilet areas
Replace balance of metal siding
Repair Masonry Joints
*Alternate scope items: In the event bidding conditions allow the base scope of items to come in under budget, these alternate scope items would be considered for inclusion, at a cost not to exceed the $18,218,595 total project budget.
Chatham High School

Mary E. Dardess Elementary School

Chatham Middle School

Bus Garage

Existing Science, Art, Technology, and Band Room Conditions

Sample Conceptual Science, Art, Technology, and Band Rooms

Conceptual Entrance & Lobby Renderings

In December 2021, Chatham CSD completed a thorough review of our facilities needs, as part of the state-mandated Building Condition Survey that school's are required to complete every five years. It identified several areas that require attention due to their age and condition, or where renovating/updating certain spaces would allow those areas to better meet the needs of students and the larger school community.
On October 25, 2022, the District's Facilities Committee provided the Board of Education with a preliminary vision for the scope of the potential project. From this initial presentation, refined that vision to determine what improvements would be included in the Capital Improvement Project proposal that residents would be asked to decide on.
On November 28, Chatham Central School District held a public information session to inform residents about the proposed capital project being developed.
On December 13, the District's Facilities Committee presented their final recommendations and the Board of Education voted to approve the project proposal.
On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, residents approved propositions #1 and #2 in a public referendum.
Presentations & Documents
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Questions? Email us at capitalproject@chatham.k12.ny.us