Adult & Continuing Education
Teri Howard & Lauren Bramah, Co-Coordinators
(518) 392-1503
Our adult ed postcard is mailed to residents at the beginning of each semester. The brochure featuring course information can be found at the link below.
The Adult Education Brochure is also available by calling the Chatham Adult & Continuing Education Office at 518-392-1503.
If you would like a brochure automatically emailed to you each semester, please submit your email address to Teri Howard, Adult & Continuing Education Program co-coordinator at When you receive the brochure by email, the subject line of the email will read, “Chatham Adult Education Brochure.” You may also request an email containing pictures of the quilts that are being taught.
To register for a class, download our Adult Ed Registration Form and send it along with a check or money order payable to Chatham Central School to: Chatham Adult Education, 50 Woodbridge Avenue, Chatham, NY 12037.
Please call 518-392-1503 if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting the Chatham Adult Ed. Program!
Do you have a creative side, special talent, or expertise in a particular area that you would like to share? Please consider hosting or teaching an Adult Education Class! Contact the Chatham Adult & Continuing Education Office for more information.
Needle Felting Bee

Needle Felting Cardinal & Mouse Rider