Guidelines for Public Comment

Regular Meetings

1) The first public comment period will be held at the beginning of the meeting in accordance with the following:

  • A. The public comment period will not exceed 20 minutes in duration.

  • B. Each speaker’s comment will not exceed three (3) minutes in duration.

  • C. First Public Comment Period:
    Speakers are to comment on items related to an agenda item or school business.

    Second Public Comment Period:

    Speakers are to comment/discuss items that are specifically related to items included on this evening’s agenda.

  • D. Speakers will wait to be recognized by the BOE President, proceed to the designated spot for public comment, and will address comments to the BOE President.

  • E. Speakers will not address individual board members directly.

  • F. Speakers will state the following before making their comment:

  1. Full name

  2. Organization they represent (if applicable)

  3.  Agenda Item they wish to discuss.

  • G. BOE President will enforce the public comment ground rules set forth above.

2) If a second public comment period is scheduled, it will be held just prior to the close of the meeting or adjournment into executive session in accordance with the following:

  • A. The second public comment period will not exceed twenty (20) minutes in duration.

  • B. Each speaker’s comment will not exceed three (3) minutes in duration.

  • C. Speakers are to comment/discuss items that may arise after BOE discussion or related to any school matter and will comply with CCSD Policy #2310 in regard to content.

  • D. -  G. Same as above under 1) first public comment period—Business Meetings.


Workshop Meetings

The Board of Education (BOE) of the Chatham Central School District (CCSD) recognizes that questions may arise during Workshop Meeting presentations. In an effort to provide clarity to the public, the CCSD BOE President may allow for clarifying questions from the public after each Workshop Meeting presentation in accordance with the following:

  • A. Time allotted for questions and answers will not exceed five (5) minutes in total duration for each Workshop Presentation.

  • B. Only clarifying questions about the presentation contents will be taken.

  • C. Comments and concerns should be expressed only during public comment periods.

  • D. If questions are allowed, questioners will raise their hand to be recognized by the BOE President and will stand and clearly state their name and question.

  • E. The BOE President will direct the appropriate individual to answer the question.

Policy reference: Regular Board Meetings and Rules (Quorum and Parliamentary Procedure) #2310