2012-2013 Budget Information
2012-2013 Budget Documents
2012-2013 Proposed Budget Packet and Required NYS Supplied Information
Presentation from March 27, 2012 BOE meeting – Program and Staffing
Presentation from March 13, 2012 BOE meeting – Guiding Principles for 2012-2013 Budget Development
Voting results – May 15, 2012
2012-2013 Budget – Passed: 421 yes – 209 no
Proposition #1 Bus Purchases – Passed: 406 yes – 213 no
Candidates Elected to the Board of Education:
Michael Clark – 480 votes
David O’Connor – 468 votes
Jennifer Lindberg – 463 votes
PROPOSITION #I: Purchase of School Buses
Proposition #1 on the May 15 ballot asked voters to approve the purchase of two 66-passengerschool buses and one 7 passenger school bus at a cost not to exceed $249,660. This proposition was part of an ongoing bus replacement plan designed to keep the District’s fleet in a safe, working order. New bus purchases replace old buses based on vehicle mileage, age, repair history and condition. In 2012, the plan called for the retirement of two 14 year-old 65-passenger buses and one 11 year-old 7-passenger suburban bus.
Property Tax Cap Information
Public schools in NY must use a state formula to determine how much they can increase their tax levies without having to seek a higher percentage of voter approval for the budget. According to the formula, Chatham CSD could increase its 2012 tax levy by 2.2176% and still be within the cap. The year-to-year increase of the District’s tax levy (portion of the school budget funded by property tax) did not exceed 2.2176%, so a simple majority (50% + 1) of voter approval was needed to pass the 2012-2013 budget.
2012 Budget Vote Exit Survey
Voters were asked to fill out an exit survey after voting May 15th. The results of that survey are available here.