2013-2014 Budget Information
2013-14 Budget
The budget totals $29,175,016 and carried a tax levy increase of 3.6%, which was less than the District’s NYS property tax cap threshold of 4.34%. Because the tax levy increase was below the state cap, a simple majority (50% + 1) of voter support was needed for the budget to pass when residents went to the polls.
2013-2014 Budget Documents
2013-2014 Proposed Budget Packet and Required NYS Supplied Information
March 21, 2013 Presentation (Transportation, Benefits, Special Education & Cafeteria)
March 5, 2013 Presentation (Instructional, Technology, Library, Tax Cap)
Voting Results – May 21, 2013
2013-2014 Budget – Passed: 331 Yes – 151 No
Proposition #1 Student Representative – Passed: 421 Yes – 60 No
Candidates Elected to the Board of Education:
Muriel Faxon – 394
Craig Simmons – 355
Gail Behrens-Day – 314
Melony Spock – 330
2013 Property Tax Cap Information
Contrary to popular belief, the property tax cap does not cap tax increases at 2 percent. Instead, public schools in NY must use a state formula to determine how much they can increase their tax levies by without having to seek a higher percentage of voter approval for the budget. This threshold must be determined and submitted to the State by March 1st.According to the formula, Chatham CSD may increase its 2013-14 tax levy by 4.34%. See how Chatham’s tax levy limit was calculated.
If the year-to-year increase of the District’s tax levy (portion of the school budget funded by property tax) is at or below 4.34%, a simple majority (50% + 1) of voter approval is needed to pass the budget. However, if the District puts before voters a budget that carries a tax levy increase above 4.34%, a super majority (60%) of voter approval is needed for the budget to pass.
More information on the NYS Property Tax Cap as it pertains to public schools is available through the links below.
Proposition #1
Proposition #1 on the May 21, 2013 ballot asked voters to approve the position of an “Ex Officio” non-voting Student Representative on the Chatham Central School Board of Education. A student representative currently sits on the Board, but by law, the position must be approved by voters every two years.