The Chatham Central School District will be holding a public information session to provide residents with an opportunity to learn about the Capital Improvement Project proposal the District is developing. The information session will take place Monday, November 28, 6:00 p.m. in the Chatham High School library, where school officials and architects from SEI Design Group will provide an overview of the project. The presentation will last approximately ½ hour and will be followed by a question and answer session and an opportunity for residents to take a brief guided tour of the areas in the High School that would be most impacted by the proposed renovations.
The presentation can also be viewed live at Please note the livestream will provide passive viewing only, viewers will not be able to comment or ask questions.
The District is proposing this project to improve its educational facilities and address issues with its aging infrastructure. Last school year, CCSD conducted a state-required, district-wide Building Condition Survey that identified several areas that require attention due to their age and condition, or where renovating/updating certain spaces would allow those areas to better meet the needs of students and the larger school community. The Board of Education plans to approve a finalized project proposal in December that would go before voters as a Capital Improvement Project referendum in February 2023. More information is available on our 2023 Capital Project webpage.