two girls smiling

For their holiday service this year, Chatham Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) spent a day making  connections. First, they visited the Camphill Ghent senior living community, where NJHS members  in band, choir, or orchestra ensembles played holiday music for the residents. The audience included Chatham Central School District’s first band teacher, Mr. Stephen Gitto, who sat up front to bop along to the music. Students also stayed to play bingo and trivia with the residents. 

The group then traveled to MED to again perform some holiday tunes and visit pre-k and 2nd grade classrooms for craft-making and holiday picture bingo. Santa made an appearance to bring gifts to the pre-k and 2nd grade students, all of which were donated by the NJHS students!

students with Mr. Gitto

students singing

students playing sting instruments

students playing music in front of elementary school audience

students making crafts

students making crafts

student dressed as Santa