December 3, 2024
Dear Families,
I hope you and your family had a fantastic Thanksgiving and that you had some time to spend with your loved ones. As the weather is getting colder, I want to take this time to review our winter weather closing and delay protocols:
If we have to close or delay school due to weather we will make every effort to make a closing decision by 5:30 a.m. The District will utilize several different platforms to communicate these changes to our families, including an autodialing phone message to families, a text to families, the District Facebook account, the District website, local tv/radio news stations, and a message on our emergency information line at (518) 392-2400 option 1. All emergency closing procedures and protocols are listed on our District website -
Depending on the weather the District may have to utilize a 2- or 3-hour school delay. On rare occasions the District may have to call an early dismissal. Any delay or early closing will be communicated utilizing our communication tools as stated above. Please know that the decision to close school is not taken lightly, but student safety will always be our number one priority.
Please take this time to make sure your child's school office has your updated contact information, including your most current phone number and email address.
As always, thank you for your partnership in your child's education. Please don't hesitate to contact your child’s school office with any specific questions..
Very Fondly,
Andrew Kourt
Chatham Superintendent