girl holding award certificate next to woman

The Columbia County Youth Bureau has named Chatham Middle School 8th grader Isla Stack the winner of its Richard Tracy Youth Leadership Award. Isla was recognized for her school and community involvement at the Bureau’s 20th Annual Youth Leadership Awards on May 23. We here at Chatham CSD know Isla as a kind and selfless leader who works continuously to serve her community, and someone who has taken full advantage of the many opportunities her school provides to serve others. She is a Key Communicator, secretary of National Junior Honor Society, member of the CMS Service Club, member of National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), and a Peer Buddy. She volunteers regularly to make character announcements in the morning, teach 6th graders good study habits, and work with children at Art Omi during the summer. She is also a member of CMS Drama Club, orchestra, and volleyball team. Congratulations on your county award Isla!