Directions to Patroon Conference Schools
Cairo Durham High School: Cross the Rip Van Winkle Bridge. Follow Rt. 23 west. Bear right onto Rt. 145 west, school entrance is 3 miles ahead on the left.
Catskill High School: Cross the Rip Van Winkle Bridge. Follow Rt. 23 west, exit to 9W south. At blinking light turn left onto West Main St. School is on the right.
Coxsackie-Athens High School: Cross the Rip Van Winkle Bridge. Follow Rt. 23 west, exit to Rt. 9W north. Turn right onto Plank Rd (Correctional Facility on right). Follow this around to stop sign, take a right onto Stacey Rd., and turn left at first road – Sunset Blvd. School is on left hand side.
Greenville High School: Cross the Rip Van Winkle Bridge. Continue on Rt. 23. Turn right onto Rt. 32. Stay on 32 into Greenville, turn left onto Rt. 81. School is on right-hand side.
Maple Hill High School: Take Rt. 9 north through Kinderhook/Valatie. Pass the I-90 entrance and continue north on 9. About 3 miles down turn left onto Maple Hill Rd. Follow to High School.
Taconic Hills High School: Take Rt. 23 towards Hillsdale 9 miles. Turn right onto Rt. 11A (Beauty Highway). School is on the left.
Hudson High School: Take NY-66 south. After intersection of 9H (Dodge dealership on corner) continue on 66/Union Turnpike for 2.3 miles then turn right onto Healy Blvd. Go 0.5 miles and turn right onto Fairview Ave/US 9. In 0.2 miles turn left onto Joslen Blvd (Eckerd and CVS on corners). Follow for 0.3 miles, turn left onto Harry Howard Ave., High School is on the right hand side.
Rensselaer High School: West on I-90 to Exit 8 (North Greenbush/Defreestville): At light, take a left on to Washington Avenue for approximately 2 miles (go over I-90 overpass) and take a left onto 9th Street, then another quick left to Old Washington Avenue to a right on to 10th Street, to a left onto Van Rensselaer Drive (runs parallel to I-90). Campus is at the top of the hill. The Main Entrance to the campus is the second entrance on the east side of the building. For sporting events in any of the gymnasiums, please use the first entrance across from the main parking lot.