CCSD Remote Learning Code of Conduct
Chatham Central School District students receiving remote instruction are subject to all existing District policies regarding student conduct. This Remote Learning Code of Conduct provides additional guidance for students when they are online. This Code of Conduct is in place to protect students and staff members. Remote learning is an extension of the school and must be practiced in a responsible, safe, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Parents/guardians are expected to monitor online behavior and to teach responsible Internet usage.
This Code of Conduct does not supersede or replace the Chatham Central School District Computer Use in Schools Policy.
As a parent/guardian of a CCSD student, I will read and review this document with my child.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Will provide a distraction-free learning environment.
Will ensure students attend class at the assigned time daily.
Supervise and monitor their student’s progress throughout the duration of the school year.
Support Academic Integrity.
Encourage the student to manage their time in an effective way.
Communicate with the teacher concerns about the child’s performance or behavior.
Student Responsibilities
Communicate with teachers via email about questions and concerns on information being presented or assignments being assigned (high school students only).
Will attend and participate in class during the assigned time. Teachers will be providing specific details for their individual classes.
Will follow the Code of Conduct and class expectations.
Will find a place during the online class assigned time that is distraction-free (to the best of their ability). Students may be asked to turn their cameras on at times during remote instruction. Specific instructions will be provided by teachers.
Will complete assignments with academic integrity.
Will respect teachers and classmates, and will not engage in cyberbullying or bullying of any kind .
Will dress appropriately for class time (as if you were attending in person class sessions).
School Responsibilities
The school will keep the parent/guardian apprised of the student’s progress and will initiate contact if they fall behind in their coursework.
Daily attendance.
Notification of infractions as part of the progressive discipline plan.
Students are responsible for proper behavior during remote learning. Always use a computer in a way that shows consideration and respect.
○ It is not acceptable to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language.
Security and safety is a priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you identify a security and/or safety problem in the school’s computers and/or educational platform, notify your teacher or school administrator.
Remote Learning correspondence is not private. Never say, write, or record anything that will earn you a consequence.
Protect your passwords. Keep them secret from everyone except your parents.
Violations of the following general expectations will result in progressive disciplinary consequences:
Recording/taking pictures of any class session, teacher, or classmates without their consent.
Posting/sending pictures or video of any class session, teacher or classmate without their consent.
Distributing online class access codes to individuals who are not assigned to the class.
Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images.
Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s code or password without authorization.
Copying, pirating, or downloading software and electronic files without permission.
Participating in the viewing or exchange of pornography or obscene materials.
Sending or posting messages that defame or slander other individuals.
Disturbing or disrupting the online learning environment.
Refusing to follow the rules of the specific online classroom.
Inappropriate dress (examples: dressed in revealing clothes, dressed in clothes with inappropriate sayings).
Participation in cyber-bullying and/or harassment.
Cheating, plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
If students violate these expectations, the teacher may use but are not limited to the following consequences:
After class student conference
Student behavior contract
Parent contact and/or parent conference
If these interventions do not positively alter student choices, the student will be referred to an administrator for progressive disciplinary action.
Administrator actions may include the following:
Student/Parent conference
Other means of correction/restorative practices
Possible law enforcement referral
Digital citizenship assignments
Student follow up behavior conference with school administrator
Suspension/Superintendent Hearing
We are committed to maintaining a working and learning environment in which students, faculty, and staff can develop intellectually, professionally, personally and socially. Remote Learning must be free of intimidation, fear, coercion, and retaliation.
Cyberbullying includes the transmission of harassing communications, direct threats, or other harmful texts, sounds, video, or images on the Internet, social media, or any technologies including, but not limited to, using a telephone, computer, or any wireless
device. Cyberbullying also includes breaking into another person’s electronic account and assuming that person’s identity in order to damage that person’s reputation.
Note: It is a crime for a person to distribute personal identity information electronically with the intent to cause harassment by a third party and to threaten a person’s safety or that of his/her family (e.g., placing a person’s picture or address online so that he/she receives harassing messages). It is also a crime to send a message to a minor if the message contains matter that is sexual in nature with the intent of seducing the minor.
Students are encouraged to notify school staff when they are being bullied or suspect that another student is being victimized.
Chatham Central School District values honesty and academic integrity. Therefore, we pledge to help students understand these values and their importance. Cheating includes:
Unpermitted collaboration on assigned work, or work submitted by any student, including but not limited to papers, projects, products, lab reports, other reports, and homework.
Using unauthorized materials (electronically on calculators or cell phones) to complete an examination or assignment.
Plagiarism, presenting another person’s work as one’s own without assigning proper credit.
Having another individual take a test or prepare an assignment, or assist in the test or assignment without approval.
Copying from others during a test, examination, quiz or homework.
Violating any other specific procedures specified by the teacher.
If academic dishonesty occurs the following consequences may take place:
a verbal warning
parent/guardian will be contacted
an automatic zero on the assignment
the student will not be allowed to make up the assignment
citizenship and work habit grades may be negatively affected.