CCSD Guidelines Regarding Student Illnesses
If your child is sick or is exhibiting any of the following symptoms:
Suspected fever
Cough (persistent)
Shortness of breath
Loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Stuffy or runny nose
Muscle aches/fatigue
You must:
Keep your child home
Call the school to report absence and reason for absence
Call your child’s primary doctor or have him or her seen at urgent care for evaluation
To be able to return to school:
A doctor’s note with a diagnosis or a lab-documented negative COVID test is required to return to school
If your child is not evaluated by a medical professional the ill child must stay home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms – all other students in the family must also stay home for 14 days as per CDC guidelines
Your child will need to stay home until the results are obtained
If negative, written lab proof must be sent to the school prior to student returning to school
If positive, the Columbia County Department of Health (CCDOH) will be reaching out to you and your household will be put into quarantine. You will not be able to return until the CCDOH releases you.
If your child is sent home sick from school:
The school nurse will call for you to pick up your child.
All siblings will also be sent home so please be prepared to pick up all of your children. We ask that pick up occurs within 30-45 minutes.
Call your child’s primary doctor or have him or her seen at urgent care for evaluation
To be able to return to school:
A doctor’s note with a diagnosis or a lab-documented negative COVID test is required to return to school
If your child is not evaluated by a medical professional the ill child must stay home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms – all other students in the family must also stay home for 14 days as per CDC guidelines.
Your child and his or siblings will need to stay home until the results are obtained.
If negative, written lab proof must be sent to the school prior to students returning to school
If positive, the Columbia County Department of Health will be reaching out to you and your household will be put into quarantine. You will not be able to return until the CCDOH releases you.
Important Notes:
If your child is required to be home, remote learning options will be available; please contact your building principal for more details and to make arrangements.
If you know that your child has seasonal allergies and takes medication for these allergies, please be sure to medicate them before school to assist with symptom control. This may save you from having to pick your child up from school.
If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.
NYSDOH COVID-19 In-Person Decision Making Flowchart for Student Attendance
NYSDOH Fowchart: My child has COVID-19 symptoms. When can they go back to school?
The information provided in this document is subject to change per CDC and Department of Health Guidelines