Chatham CSD Universal Pre-Kindergarten FAQs

Updated 1/21/25

When is the student registration period?

We are soliciting applications from January 21 - March 1, 2025. If these applications exceed our capacity, these students will be entered into a lottery. Any applications after March 1 will be added to the UPK request list on a first-come, first-served basis.


March 1 - due date for initial applications

Early March - parents/guardians will be notified of acceptance/wait-list for UPK program - if program capacity has been exceeded, acceptance into UPK will be decided by lottery.

June - screening (for all applicants)

Are there any exceptions to the age rule of “4, but not 5, by December 1, 2025”?

No. UPK is a grant-funded program with strict regulations, including regarding the age of eligible children.

What qualifications will the Pre-K teacher and assistant hold?

The Chatham CSD UPK classrooms will be staffed with only certified teachers and teaching assistants. The community-based organization partners will be required to follow the UPK staffing guidelines, listed NYSED’s UPK FAQ:

How large do you anticipate the class sizes to be? 

We anticipate the class sizes will be no larger than 18 students, with one teacher and one teaching assistant in every pre-kindergarten classroom.

My child has never been in a classroom setting before. Can we have a tour and meet the teachers prior to starting in September?

Mrs. Reno, the elementary school principal, will be setting up meet-and-greet opportunities this summer. This information will be provided to the families of prospective pre-k students later this spring.

What if I have twins, triplets, etc. who are eligible for UPK?

We will group your children together in the possible lottery process so both/all receive the same acceptance/wait-list standing.

What is the lottery process?

In the event that more children are registered for universal prekindergarten than there are spots available, acceptance into the program will be decided by random selection (lottery). Chatham CSD will use an electronic lottery system to conduct the drawing of names, and the drawing will be made available to view online in real time. Siblings, such as twins or triplets, will be considered a single unit and assigned a single entry in the lottery. When all available spots are filled, the drawing will continue to determine the order in which children will be placed on a waitlist. All families will be notified of their lottery status soon after the conclusion of the drawing.

Does my child need to be potty trained?

No, but it is highly recommended. Please work with your child(ren) well in advance of the start of the school year, as toilet training is not a skill that is learned overnight.

Does my child need to reside in the Chatham School District?

Yes. UPK regulations require all students to live within the district boundaries.

What days and times will UPK meet?

The Chatham UPK program will follow the MED daily schedule. The doors will open at 7:40am for children who wish to eat breakfast. At 7:45am, all children will head to class. At 8am, academic learning begins and goes until 2:00pm. In addition, UPK will follow the CCSD calendar for days off, school closings, and vacations.

Is this income-based like Head Start?

No. Universal pre-kindergarten is funded by the District and grants and is offered at no-cost to District residents.

Can my child ride the school bus?

Yes, as long as they are at least 4 years old. If your child is 3 when the school year starts, they will be eligible on their 4th birthday.

Can my child get meals at the school cafeteria?

Yes. All Chatham CSD students can receive free breakfast and lunch through the district’s meal program and eat in the cafeteria. Information about the school lunch program can be found here:

What health records and immunizations will my child need?

Health information and forms can be found here: NYS immunization requirements can be found here:

What if I have questions?

Please contact the MED Elementary School Principal, Kristen Reno, with any questions relating to pre-kindergarten programming: / 518-392-2255

Please contact Chatham CSD's registrar, Emily Ponce, with any questions relating to pre-kindergarten registration or to schedule a phone/in-person registration meeting: / 518-392-1535