four boys holding ukuleles

Members of the 6th grade general music class took their ukuleles and hit the road to tour CMS on October 21. The tour was the culmination of their ukulele unit. While teaching the unit, Mrs. McShane noticed students consistently asking to perform for their classmates at the end of the period and used that as an opportunity to teach them about touring life. Students had to research careers in music relating to the tour industry, including tour manager, booking agent, music arranger and publicist. They then had to email faculty and staff asking to perform on a set date and time, design and send out their group’s promo posters, and pick and practice the pieces they would play on their tour. On the "road," each group performed three selections for a number of students and staff around the building. Mrs. McShane  remarked, "They were 'all in' and amazing."

four girls holding ukuleles
two girls holding ukuleles

four students playing ukuleles for staff members in classroom

four students playing ukuleles for staff members in classroom

two students playing ukuleles for staff members in hall

The 3-0 Trio tour poster