Daily Announcements


Monday, January 27, 2025 

B - Day 

Lunch: Chicken nuggets with brown rice, baked beans, fruit and milk



 Chorus: Period 3- Green 

 Period 4- Orange 

 Period 5- Yellow 

 Period 9- Blue  

Band lessons are cancelled today.  

Mrs. Metrando’s period 2 general music class should report to Mr. Artist’s room with chromebooks today.  

Intramurals are starting back up on Thursdays....the first return of them will this Thursday, January 30th and the activity will be Speedball. All are welcome to come who wish to participate. There will be a sign in sheet for your signatures when arriving. 

Peer buddies will meet on Thursday January 30th after school in the library.

Attention 7th & 8th grade students. Homeroom teachers have permission slips that they will be handing out. They are due by January 31st to the front desk.The Queen of Hearts Dance is Friday, February 7th from 7-9. in the CMS. Copies of permission slips will be emailed to your families on Monday as well. If you lose your copy, extra  are available at the front desk. Few reminders- this dance is only for 7th and 8thgrade and students from outside schools are not allowed. We will send out a Google form for voting on the court next week