Students holding letters that spell "Let's Go Villanova"

Chatham Middle School’s character theme for March is "sportsmanship," which students are exploring through inspirational videos, classroom discussions, and some healthy competitions like trivia games and a foul shot contest. Most of all, the school has taken on March Madness, CMS style! Every homeroom chose a Sweet 16 team to represent by decorating their doors, wearing their college colors, and reflecting on what team spirit and sportsmanship mean to them. Prizes will be awarded for best team spirit, best sportsmanship, most creative door and, of course, the winner of NCAA tournament!

two girls pose with door decorated for Arkansas State

door decorated for Arizona State

students pose for class photo in college sports team shirts

Three faculty members pose for photo wearing College sports shirts

students standing next to door decorated for Duke

Students pose for class photo wearing college sports team shirts