Student artwork

student art

The HS Art Department hosted its first Pop Up Art Show January 19. The works of art were created by our Studio in Art and Advanced Drawing and Painting students. The pop-up exhibit was presented outside the auditorium for parents and students to view during the Pops Concert that evening. 

The student artists are:
Hailey Perry
Ciara Sherman
Alexis Meyers
Jeremy Deane
Addi Perry
Jillian Perry
Emily Gaylord
Olivia MacDonald
Aidan Brennan
Sasha Langley
Winni Wilzig
Stacy Garza
Libny Garza
Kendall Hayes
Fiona Phelps
Anna Friedman
Owen Zaik
Zoey Palubeckis
Solaz Talbott
Rhea Olejak
Jahnyah Armstrong
Tallulah O'Connor-Brockway
Amelia Scheriff
Kira Ploof
Matt Thorsen

student artwork