Daily Announcements

January, 17, 2025 ~ A Day


Columbia Greene Community College will be here on Tuesday March 4, 2025, from 8am-12:00pm for an Instant Admissions day. If you would like to sign up for a time to talk to the CGCC Representative, please come to the guidance office, or send an email to Mrs. Pilkington.

Columbia County Z-Club is collecting used winter clothes and items such as blankets for the Blanche Hotaling Memorial Warming Center, the homeless shelters. Items can be dropped off in the box in the main office or at the Morris Memorial TOMORROW, from 10-1

Senior Officers – Don’t forget to get your photo taken TODAY – see Ms. Pegarella!

SENIORS: Please check the scholarship page for ways to get money for college! Don’t miss out!

Sadie Hawkins dance is TODAY! The cost is $10. The theme is panther pride. Any outside guests will need to fill out a permission slip before attending. These are available at the main office. Please see a sophomore class officer for more information. 

National Honor Society Students – come get hours for Panther Pride day, stop in and see Miss Williams for more information! All students are welcome to come help!

Today’s Spirit Day is PANTHER PRIDE – Go Chatham!

Starting on Monday Jan 27 (the Monday following midterms) we’ll be using the Pikmykid pass system in all classes.  Most students have already used it in study halls and the library.  Students will be expected to fill out a pass every time they leave a classroom during the middle of a period and complete the pass when they are done. 

 Also starting Monday, we will no longer have a period called ‘homeroom’.  Students will be expected to report to their first period class before 7:48. 



(B) JV Basketball @ Taconic Hills (5:30 PM) 

(B) V Basketball @ Taconic Hills (7:00 PM) 



(G) JV Basketball v. Hudson (9:00 AM)  - HS

(B) 7/8TH Basketball v. Taconic Hills (10:00 AM)  - MS

(B) JV Basketball v. Middleburgh (11:00 AM)  -HS

(G) 7/8TH Basketball v. Taconic Hills (11:45 AM)  -MS

(B) MOD7/8/9 Volleyball v. Hudson (1:00 PM)  -HS

(B) V Volleyball v. Hudson (2:30 PM)  -HS

(G) V Basketball v. Taconic Hills (5:00 PM)  -HS

(B) V Basketball v. Middleburgh (7:00 PM)  -HS