Daily Announcements
March 11, 2025 ~ B Day
There will be a Senior Class meeting WEDNESDAY at 2:45 in Mrs. Pegarella’s room. Class Trip, Arbor Day Banquet, Senior Sunrise and Senior Prank Day will be discussed. The Arbor Day Banquet venue will be decided at this meeting – if you want a say, please be there! Officers are expected to attend!
There will be a student government for elected officers after school in Ms. Montgomery's room on Thursday, March 13th.
The Testing Room will now be open TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS after school – starting TODAY!
Please help the Life Skills Class support our local animal rescues! Items for our local shelters and rescues will be collected until April 9th. Suggested items include cat and dog food, small blankets, towels, treats, toys, etc. The collection box will be located outside of the Main Office in the lobby. Please consider donating to this great cause!
There will be an Outdoor Club hike to Beebe Hill State forest afterschool THURSDAY. All interested students are welcome. Come to room 108 for a permission form.
Seniors, the Columbia County Association of Town Superintendents Scholarship is due March 20th and the Zonta International District Jean M Coon Humanitarian Scholarship is due March 21st.
Attention Seniors, REMINDER: Check the scholarship page! Several scholarships have deadlines the end of this week.
The freshmen class will be selling frozen cookie dough and other sweet treats to be delivered before April Break! See Mrs. Johnson with any questions.
The Spring Season for JV & Varsity sports begins March 17th. Any questions please see Mr. Brantley. If you plan on playing a Spring Sport sign up on Family ID.
Sports Physicals are being held TOMORROW – see Mrs. Persons to schedule an appt.