Young woman leaning on barn wall

Jenna Palubeckis, daughter of Kelly Palubeckis and Duncan Boyd of Spencertown, is Chatham High School’s Class of 2024 Valedictorian.

Throughout her time at Chatham, Jenna has participated in many activities including National Honors Society as President, Tri-M as Vice President, and was the Student Representative for the Board of Education. Additionally, she has taken part in Model Congress and the HOBY State Leadership Seminar.

Jenna has also been involved in music and athletics. Musically, she has been in band as a clarinetist and choir ever since elementary school, and has also participated in All County for these ensembles. Athletically, she has done cross country for two years and track for four years.  She has also been an avid part of the community, volunteering and working at the Morris Memorial as well as working at Crellin Summer Camp.

Finally, she has received many awards over the years including Student of the Quarter, Excellence in Effort, Highest Average, Scholar Athlete, and the Capstone Award for Problem Solving Skills.

Jenna will be attending Colgate University in the fall with the intended major of either/both psychology and political science.