panthry sigh with pictures of personal hygiene items

Good hygiene is essential for students to be successful and MED is thrilled to announce that our school now has a fully-stocked hygiene/care closet that we have affectionately named the PAWsitivity Pantry. Located in the school’s health office, the PAWsitivity Pantry is a dedicated safe space where any MED student can access essential personal hygiene items in a discreet way and without having to feel embarrassed. Students can drop by the health office anytime during the school day to pick up any item that they need.

“It has been something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Things are so expensive now and we have so many kids in need,” said MED school nurse Mary-Noelle Fabiano.

This past fall, Ms. Fabiano applied for a grant from the Chatham Education Foundation of the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, who awarded our school with $1,000 to get the Pantry up and running. Thanks to their generosity, MED students can access items ranging from deodorant, soaps, and toothbrushes, to tissues, chapstick, socks, and underwear, to name just a few. Chatham, where character counts!

closet stocked with personal hygiene items