students holding golden tray

January 30 was our third Effective School Assembly of the school year. January's theme was "Perseverance" and featured the 5th grade's Pledge of Allegiance Squad and Spirit Squad, a discussion led by Mrs. Reno on the power of being persistent, a visit from our friendly iReady math mascot Plori, and of course our monthly awards for outstanding effort, participation and behavior.

squad of students doing cheerJanuary's awards are:
Golden Sneaker award for physical education - Mrs. Ewer's class
Golden Library Book for library - Ms. McCullough's class
Golden Paintbrush for art - Ms. McCullough's class
Golden Tambourine for music - Mrs. Baskiewicz's class
Golden Trash Can for the cleanest classroom - Mrs. Mulica’s class
Golden Whistle for recess - Mrs. Lineberry's class
Golden Cafeteria Tray for lunch - Mrs. Baskiewicz's class

boy holong certificate with familyDean of Students’ Award for outstanding character: Levi Richards

boy holding certificate with familyPrincipal's Award for outstanding character: Legend Shannon-Kiablick
