girl shaking hands with teacher

The fifth grade celebrated their moving on to Chatham Middle School with a Moving Up Ceremony for family and friends on June 13. MED principal Kristen Reno congratulated the students on their completion of elementary school and each student was called to the stage to receive their moving up certificates. The ceremony also included a performance by the fifth grade chorus, a welcome message from CMS principal Brett Fortran,a reading from Hay Award winner William Arnaud, and a slide show highlighting the students’ time at Nature’s Classroom and MED. Congratulations to our soon-to-be sixth graders!

boy giving speech5th grade chorus5th grade class poses for photo with moving up certificates on risers5th grade class poses for photo with moving up certificates on risers5th grade class poses for photo with moving up certificates on risers5th grade class poses for photo with moving up certificates on risers