5th Grade School Supply List


  • 1 red one-subject spiral notebook

  • 1 blue one-subject spiral notebook

  • 1 green one-subject spiral notebook

  • 1 yellow one-subject spiral notebook

  • 1 red heavy-duty plastic folder

  • 1 blue heavy-duty plastic folder

  • 1 green heavy-duty plastic folder

  • 1 yellow heavy-duty plastic folder

  • 1 One-inch binder with clear insert on front

  • 2 DURABLE wired headphones (any brand) - Students will use these daily and need to have an extra set as backup

  • 1 hard plastic pencil pox

  • 3 packs of Ticonderoga pencils

  • 1 set of colored pencils

  • 1 pack of Expo Dry Erase Markers w/an eraser

  • 1 pair of 7-inch pointed-tip scissors

  • 2 packs of glue sticks

  • 1 black Sharpie

  • 1 box of plastic bags (any brand)

    Last names starting with:

    A-L: bring quart size,

    M-Z: bring gallon size

  • 1 box of tissues (any brand)